Welcome to 3AA
Three Angels’ Academy™ is a Bible-based, Christ-centered school (grades 3-12) whose objective is to enable students to personally develop physically, mentally and spiritually so that they can be faithful to God in these last days and prepare others to do likewise. The Bible is our main textbook as we acknowledge it to be the inspired word of God according to 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:21. Everything done at Three Angels’ Academy™ is in alignment with the Bible—the law and the testimony– and we expect our students’ conduct to be in accordance.
“I hope the coming school term will be more after the order of the schools of the prophets, that the Spirit of God will rest upon teachers and students in a large measure.” Letter 28 1898
“In the highest sense the work of education and the work of redemption are one”
Ellen G. White, Ed 30
Mission Statement
As a part of Saved To Serve. Three Angel’s Academy shares the same mission as the church, which is namely to prepare ourselves and others to live and share the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for Christ’s soon coming. It is our mission to share the love of Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of the world, warning them of the coming crisis, the Mark of the Beast Crisis, and how they can stand faithfully.