Jemill Wilder
CEO, In His Word Ministries
Jemill grew up in Akron Ohio, and remembers the love of the Bible, health and spiritual things being sown from a young age. His early years was impacted by the healthy lifestyle choices of family members which influenced him to also do the same. He took time to really understand nutrition and used food to fuel his body to be able to perform well when running or doing different exercises.
Jemill began to take classes in everything and anything that had to do with health, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, herbs, and making sure to lead each person to Christ through evangelism work. He attended Centurion Ministries Medical Missionary classes and began working with different people all over the world who needed help. It has been rewarding to see how spiritually and physically the Lord, our GREAT Physician can do the healing for each and every soul that is willing.